QuTEM bacteriophage ns


Bacteriophages, commonly known as phages, serve vital roles in gene therapy and molecular biology research, including phage therapy for bacterial infections. Their structure typically consists of genetic material enclosed in a protein head, often complemented by a tail for precise recognition and attachment to specific bacteria.

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) offers a high-resolution view of bacteriophage structures, allowing accurate measurement of dimensions such as the length and width of the head and tail. This capability is essential for distinguishing and quantifying different phage types and assessing the lytic activity of various products.  


cryoTEM image of bacteriophages

Uncover the architecture of bacteriophages using TEM


At QuTEM, we generally offer the following analyses for bacteriophages.

Distinguish and quantify phage varieties 

QuTEM bacteriophage ns

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